Alright... Not so interesting topic.. but I must record it ... for future references. My broken hand has been a real show stopper for me off late. I was always a loner... but nowadays I am falling in love with it all over again[ maybe head over heels is the right description here]. Benefits I got out of this : I am more disciplined. I am not missing deadlines[Hard to believe eh?]... Better throughput when it comes to business and a lot more. The reason behind this staying alone is that... my movements are not so natural.. so driving is not fun anymore. It is a burden.. and that too in a small pathetic village like Pune... Duhh...
Anywho... This morning I woke up and I could not believe what I had in my mind. Blurry but still very clear images of my dreams... I forgot about the one[There were two dreams going on.. side by side.. Multitasking in my dreams too ... Seems God gave me a multi-core brain for free ;)].
so basically in my dream.. I think I was not happy with the bloody broken hand... and in a desperate moment.... I made a deal with Satan himself... and Whoa.. my hand was alright :D Yey... I also thought to get an x-ray done in the dream.. and of course when I woke up. Anyways, I've been feeling that I've recovered most of my movements and I feel better than before[I came to Pune]. So it is going great... but that was quite a stunt.. selling my soul to Satan for a perfect hand? Or maybe I miss it really and given a chance I would do it... Hmm... :-/ :S :P. I dunno... but I guess I will take the deal... 10 years with a good left hand... what else I can ask for? Satan... If you are reading this[And I am sure I always get few hits from Pakistan so it must be you... nothing is ever hidden from prying eyes of Google you knaaww????] then come down to Pune... we need a deal to do... ;)
PS : And I think this could be the after effects of watching a lot of Supernatural but it has been months since I watched it... nyways.. it was weird... and funny.. ;(