Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Some Quotes From the game Max Payne II[2003], It was not Max Payne I :(

Einstein was right. Time is relative to the observer. When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, time slows down. Your whole life flashes by, heartbreak and scars. Stay with it, and you could live a lifetime in that split second.

There are no choices. Nothing but a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask 'Why me?' and 'What if?'. When you look back and see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning. If you had done something differently, it wouldn't be you. It would be someone else looking back, asking a different set of questions.

The past is a gaping hole. You try to run from it, but the more you run, the deeper it grows behind you, its edges yawning at your heels. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. But it's like looking down into the grave of your love, or kissing the mouth of a gun, a bullet trembling in its dark nest, ready to blow your head off.

The past is a puzzle, like a broken mirror. As you piece it together, your image keeps shifting. And you change with it. It could destroy you, drive you mad. It could set you free.

Throw the rules out the window, odds are you'll go that way too

For the first time in I don't know how long, I did not wish to be dead.

The rain was comin' down like all the angels in heaven decided to take a piss at the same time. When you're in a situation like mine, you can only think in metaphors.

When entertainment turns into a surreal reflection of your life, you're a lucky man if you can laugh at the joke. Luck and I weren't on speaking terms.

Your past has a way of sneaking up on you. You'll hear broken echoes of it everywhere, like a bad replay. You'll get mad at everyone for reminding you about it, even if it's all in your head.

Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotion. It's a losing game. Without passion you are already dead.

The trouble with wanting something is the fear of losing it, or never getting it. The thought makes you weak.

Hypothetically, if the only choice you've got is to do the wrong thing, then it's not really the *wrong* thing, is it? It's more like fate.

I felt the rise of that old familiar feeling... I hated it... I welcomed it...

The genius of the hole: no matter how much time you spend climbing out, you can still fall back down in an instant.

I didn't deserve to walk away. There are no happy endings.

Firing a gun is a binary choice. You either pull the trigger or you don't...

What the fuck is wrong with you, Max? Why don't you just die? You hate life, you're miserable all the time, afraid to enjoy yourself even a little! Face it, you might as well be dead already. Do yourself a favor, give up!

You have wrecked my restaurant twice now. You can be so damn uncompromising, fanatical about these things, Max. One of these days, it's going to get you killed. You should be glad, Max! I did you a favor, finished off your revenge for you. The murderer of your loved ones is dead!

If you think nothing can get to you, you're lying to yourself. At best, you're temporarily dead. A lightning bolt can reanimate you without a warning.

Like always, the dead had all the answers I was missing. It wasn't that they weren't eager to talk. Quite the contrary. The dead had plenty to say. And once they started, they would never shut up. Their words would keep you awake at night. The bodies, all the evidence of all the murders the cleaners had done, all the answers. It would take days to dig through it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bloodlust.. bloody bloodlust... I am mesmerized... most important thing right now is to embrace it - I feel no pain... I feel no regrets... just bloodlust!!!

Sunday, October 03, 2010


To Dream Is Human... I Always Have Nightmares... Does It Make Me Evil? I Guess, It Does. And I Think I Will Be Really Proud Of It, If I Could Be Pure Evil One Day!!! I Think That'd Be My Salvation...

Friday, August 13, 2010

After a long time... a one liner...

In my eyes... everything is possible.. given you have enough Time, Resources and Passion to find out a way

Monday, August 02, 2010

Me.. Dealing with Satan...

Alright... Not so interesting topic.. but I must record it ... for future references. My broken hand has been a real show stopper for me off late. I was always a loner... but nowadays I am falling in love with it all over again[ maybe head over heels is the right description here]. Benefits I got out of this : I am more disciplined. I am not missing deadlines[Hard to believe eh?]... Better throughput when it comes to business and a lot more. The reason behind this staying alone is that... my movements are not so natural.. so driving is not fun anymore. It is a burden.. and that too in a small pathetic village like Pune... Duhh...

Anywho... This morning I woke up and I could not believe what I had in my mind. Blurry but still very clear images of my dreams... I forgot about the one[There were two dreams going on.. side by side.. Multitasking in my dreams too ... Seems God gave me a multi-core brain for free ;)].

so basically in my dream.. I think I was not happy with the bloody broken hand... and in a desperate moment.... I made a deal with Satan himself... and Whoa.. my hand was alright :D Yey... I also thought to get an x-ray done in the dream.. and of course when I woke up. Anyways, I've been feeling that I've recovered most of my movements and I feel better than before[I came to Pune]. So it is going great... but that was quite a stunt.. selling my soul to Satan for a perfect hand? Or maybe I miss it really and given a chance I would do it... Hmm... :-/ :S :P. I dunno... but I guess I will take the deal... 10 years with a good left hand... what else I can ask for? Satan... If you are reading this[And I am sure I always get few hits from Pakistan so it must be you... nothing is ever hidden from prying eyes of Google you knaaww????] then come down to Pune... we need a deal to do... ;)
PS : And I think this could be the after effects of watching a lot of Supernatural but it has been months since I watched it... nyways.. it was weird... and funny.. ;(

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shades Of Gray..

Every Man Plays The Game...
In the Shadows of Pride n Shame...
I've been Black.. n have been white
Like a proud medieval Knight

At the dawn of a new morning
I kneel... n I pray I pray I pray..
I don't wanna be white...
I don't wanna be black...
balance the equation...

Let me end ... in the shades of gray...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I was getting bored and thought I will update my Orkut profile...

ideal match:
Someone who is equally good with Assaulting and Magging and who is smart enough to take me 1-on-1... All others can go to Hell ;) Expert handling of Nades will be considered a big plus... If you are all about Rush.. then stay away from me.. I CAMP!!!

my idea of a perfect first date:
She... rushing from A Short(Catwalk for some) in MiniD2 without kevlar and Me... Camping at A with a frag nade in my hand... and ... and... I hear her footsteps.. and there it goes a perfect throw of a frag nade... and BaaaaM... there she goes.. flying ... 120 damage.... :D CS FTW!!!

from my past relationships i learned:
Never rush in Alley in Infy. Always base camp on A and wait for the right time before you show yourself in an open fire... Always kill atleast 2-3 Ts before you Die.

Monday, June 21, 2010

હમણાંથી આવા વિચારોના વમળમા ફસાઈ જવાય છે.. બિલકુલ અનાયસે..

એકલતા.. ઝાંઝવાનુ જળ... યાદો અને પડછાયા.. મારુ ઝેર મને મારી શકતુ નથી.. ધીરે.. ધીરે.. મને ગળે છે.. હું બળુ છુ.. અંદર ને અંદર... ખવાતા જવાય છે.. પણ જિજીવિષા પ્રબળ છે... ને દરેક મ્રુત્યુ મને નવો જન્મ આપે છે... હું અનંત સુધી અવિરત જન્મ્યા કરીશ... કહે છે કે અમુક શ્રાપના કોઇ મારણ નથી હોતા... એ તમારા અંત સુધી સાથે રહે છે... પણ... જેનો અંત નથી એનુ શું?

Friday, June 04, 2010

The reason why Prince Of Persia Failed on the box office :D

Why Prince Of Persia Failed On The Box Office??? Answer Is Simple : Who Likes a Persian Prince With British Accent?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Yey - I am Requalified at

As a part of my commitment towards technology, I've been sharing with community since early days of my career. In early 2005 I came to know that you can join Experts-Exchange for free and help fellow developers with various technical issues. I took that opportunity and joined EE. Soon I became a Qualified Expert there and continued contributing to EE for a while. Afterwards, I had to move to a very challenging job and I was forced to stop my interaction with EE. Anyways, I find lot of time [That's the fun part in consulting, you get to manage your own time] nowadays and I decided to start contributing to EE. Anyways, in two days, I got requalified as an expert [I earned 4668 points needed 3000 points to requalify]. Anyways I am glad I could do this. Check out my profile at -

Some Quotes From the game Max Payne[2001], Just Accept the Fact : If you haven't played it... you have some serious problems

Collecting evidence had gotten old a few hundred bullets back. I was already so far beyond the point of no return I couldn't remember what it had looked like when I had passed it.

He was trying to buy more sand for his hour glass. I wasn't selling any.

The cardinal rule in going after someone with an intention to kill was not to make it personal - which it almost always ended up being anyway. It did with me.

There was no glory in this. I hadn't asked for this crap. Trouble had come to me, in big dark swarms. The good and the just, they were like gold dust in this city. I had no illusions. I was not one of them. I was no hero. Just me and the gun, and the crook. My options had decreased to a singular course.

They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was all over. The storm seemed to lose its frenzy. The ragged clouds gave way to the stars above.

I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings.

One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.

Up on that rooftop I was a Ninja, my Kung Fu was strong. I wasn't kidding anybody. At best I was Superman on kryponite, about to fall into where it all went down.

Pissing Punchinello off was a dangerous game. But when people get mad, they make mistakes. I should know. That's where I wanted Punchinello, mad enough to trip over his own feet, preferably into a grave.

You'd find that Lady Luck was really a hooker, and you were fresh out of cash.

I had a bullet with Nicole Horne's name on it. I had ten thousand bullets with the hag's name on them. She had ultra high-tech security systems, enough mercenaries and weaponry to start World War III. There was no fear.

After Y2K, the end of the world had become a cliché. But who was I to talk, a brooding underdog avenger alone against an empire of evil, out to right a grave injustice? Everything was subjective. There were only personal apocalypses. Nothing is a cliché when it's happening to you.

It wasn't about how smart or how good you were. It was chaos and luck, and anyone who thought different was a fool.

Vlad was one of those old time bad guys with honor and morals, which almost made him one of the good guys. None of us was a saint.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

મન... મોતી... ને ઘોડો...

મોતી ભાંગ્યું વીંધતાં,
મન ભાંગ્યુ કવેણ,
ઘોડો ભાંગ્યો ખેડતાં,
એને સાંધો ન ક રેણ
- કવિ દલપતરામ.

મને યાદ છે... હાઈ સ્કુલની આસપાસ ગુજરાતી વિષયમાં આ દુહો વાંચ્યો હતો... મનમાં છપાઈ ગયો હતો... મોતી કે ઘોડાનો તો કોઈ અનુભવ નથી... મનની પીડાથી સારી રીતે પરિચિત છુ... બદનસીબે... ત્યાં કોઇ મેટલ પ્લેટ મુકીને પણ સાંધો મારી શકાતો નથી...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Truth Behind the "Metal Detectors"

I know... I know... many of you were wondering what 'senseless' status it was: I am not allowed through metal detectors n all that crap. If you didn't well n good... :) but if you did then read on.

A little preface... After I quit my job in Nov 2009, I bought a bike n some other stuff so I can enjoy a little. And trust me riding a bike was such bliss... it was real fun. Only good thing that was going on in my life was bike riding. So In Jan End there was this event, hosted by IIM-A: Chaos [annual inter-college cultural festival as per their site]. Now I am not a big fan of chaos it's just a fun event but some of my friends were keen about it and I had nothing to do during those days so I thought let me give it a shot. So I attended 2-3 nights in Chaos and 'cause of that I had to miss few classes where I learn Guitar. Now, I was attending a guitar class in Ahemdabad and I live in Gandhinagar so was used to take my bike to reach there every morning. Also there was some restructuring work being done on the road I used daily, so on 1st Feb I thought I will take a different route from within the sector I live.

So I was going on a different route and on a different time, now I had this bad habit to put my mp3 player on a REAL loud volume level n ride my bike. All these came together n I was going real slow... n suddenly a school bus came from one of the streets. The road is so small I really didn't expect a school bus there. And I panicked n hit the front brakes 'cause I was hardly going on 20 KMPH I thought it'd be okay... but unfortunately... it wasn't. So... the bike slipped... n somehow I ended up with all my weight on my left hand so it broke both the bones. Fortunately... it was a blunt hit so no crush injuries n nothing else. Just both the bones were broken from mid forearm. I was very close to my place so a gentleman dropped me at my place [Nothing happened to the Bike: P]. And I was operated upon on the same day. They implanted a steel plate and a nail to support both the bones.

It didn’t pain a lot but my movements were restricted and I could see what the outcomes of this situation are. It scared the hell out of me ‘because possibilities were unlimited [Partial disability, permanent damage to joints, range/strength loss etc]. There was a time gap of 3 weeks for bones to complete the primary recovery. Before that it is bit difficult to predict the recovery. Anyways, everything went well as time passed by and finally around 3 weeks back they allowed me to type with both hands n also recovery is complete for both the bones.

I decided to keep many of you out of this, just ‘because I didn’t want anyone to pity me. I made sure that very few knew about this, ‘cause I had to talk to some of them to survive a difficult time. I am really thankful to all of you guys who knew n keep it to yourselves n helped me to pass by such a hard time. It means a lot to me and I will always be grateful.

Now I am allowed to drive a car and I’m taking really really painful Physiotherapy sessions every day. Hopefully things will be alright. :)

I’ve learnt few lessons out of this incident and I would like to put them here so maybe it might be helpful to someone
1. Avoid driving if you are not fit; if you are tired or sleepy there is a good chance your body might not act fast enough to avoid an accident.
2. If you are not familiar to the road, be extra cautious. Don’t assume.
3. If you are using disk brakes, make sure the road is clear or there is a good chance you will lose control.
4. Understand how braking works for your bike, for most hitting both the brakes at the same time is recommended.
5. Avoid using MP3 players/ Bluetooth headsets while riding.
6. If you are having metal implants in your body, ask your doctor to issue a simple medical certificate and carry it with you if you are travelling by air. It is not necessary, but it’s a good practice.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

તને રાહ શાની છે?

મેં છરી મારી હતી... તારા હ્રદયની આરપાર...
ખોટુ હતુ એ... મને ખબર છે...
અનિવાર્ય અનિષ્ટ પરંતુ
તારી વાત જ ન્યારી છે...
તને ખબર છે હવે તારી વારી છે...
પણ એક એક ઉઝરડો કરીને મને કેમ મારે છે?
હવે તો પુરતુ લોહી વહી ગયુ છે...
એક જ ઘા ને.. વાત હતી ન હતી થઈ જશે..
તને રાહ શાની છે?

Friday, April 09, 2010

Color Of Money

During my early teens, I always wanted to make lotsa money. I always thought what will be the color that can represent money really well... n it occurred to me... Red... Blood Red!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why So.... Stuppppidddd Son

Few months back...I was dealing with an Ulallu.. one day I was so depressed I felt like putting a blade on his throat n then wanted to ask[In a husky voice]: Why So.... Stuppppidddd Son? :P

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ઉઠો... જાગો... અને ફરીથી ઉંઘ ના આવે ત્યાં સુધી ટાઈમપાસ કરતા રહો.. - પ.પુ.ધ.ધુ. શ્રી 1008 બાબા ચિન્મ્યાનંદસ્વામી!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Confusion!!!

Just like a lost soul
on the edge between the life and death
I am wandering... I am wondering...
Not sure what I've in my heart for her is it Love... or Pure Hate?