What the Hell.....The why I dont have a Passport? story
I must admit that I must be out of my mind when I decided that I will not get a passport 3 years back when I started my career with ESS. It wasn't only that I didn't want to hurt my father's feelings and never wanted to go away, it was somewhat laziness too 'cause at that time Passport was used to take a looooong time... yeah ... really long time... and was kindda odd process to follow. And after coming out of my initial craziness about US I thought I'll never ever go abroad. I thought I will not ever need a passport. Over the time my father was used to bring passport forms 'cause he thought one day I might need it. And yeah I remember he filled in the forms for me 3-4 times... but I never signed them... was thinking I don't give it a damn. I don't wanna go anywhere ... why I'll need a passport?
And then... I moved to Hyderabad in an amazing software development firm and as soon as I met my manager, the first thing that striked me out from the air... was : what???? YOU DON'T HAVE A PASSPORT? so I went all frenzy and called home that I will have to get a passport. And then we began the process and there were too many hurdles and then at last I got it right and my application went in directly to the Regional Passport office and then I went there to submit it on time... and woooo... what I come to know is I wont be able to do it as ACCORDING to the rules I didn't have enough documents. So I had to go back home and gather them. Next day.... another monkey sprang out of the box saying the document I have produced is not proper it should be done the other way... and I was .... Holy.... Cow... for god's sake... can somebody tell me... what's going on in here.... anywayz after a lot of road-running, high-adrenaline action I could submit my application but trust me it was tough and I must say I did nothing... my father did all the hard work for me... and I take this opportunity to thank him... I am not sure whether he is going to read this or not but I felt like people who read my blog(may be no one reads this blog...) must know the truth that without his help I would have never submitted my passport application and ofcourse when I see back ... in my dark days I must say he was the only one who trusted me, nowadays I have got so many friends but in my hard times he was the only person who believed in me. He stood beside me in every thing I screwed up let it be 12th Science, my BCA, my first job... everything. So here I guess... I have said wat I wanted to say about my father and the Passport now lets see what happens next....